Calvary Kids

Toddlers, K-3rd Grade

Train up a child in the way he should go,
And when he is old he will not depart from it.

Proverbs 22:6

Our heart is to help children come to know Jesus Christ and to grow to be like Him. Our goal is to keep our environment focused solely on Jesus Christ and providing a solid biblical foundation for our children.
We use the Calvary Chapel Curriculum that incorporates teaching the Word of God in a way that reaches all types of learners: listening (auditory learners), seeing (visual learners) and hands-on (kinesthetic learners). We achieve this by guiding them in ways to memorize Scripture, engaging them with Bible stories and interacting with them in  worship using multimedia and technology as teaching tools for ministering to the children.
We are excited to have your child(ren) join us and we are honored to be working alongside you to teach the Word of God and help instill a biblical worldview in each of their lives.

Marissa Beckham
Children's Ministry
NOTE: Check- In is at the end of the hall at the Calvary Kids workstation. Please check your kids in for the protection and safety of your children and so we have a way to contact you during service if there is an urgent need. Once they are registered in the system at our Kiosk, you may be able to quickly check them in via our church app for their info sticker.

Sunday Mornings 10:00am

What to expect when attending:

The moment your family arrives at church, your child will be welcomed and checked in right by the Calvary Kid’s room. All the children gather in a room together for worship and then for a time of learning and activities.

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